Thursday, November 27, 2008

10 ways Obama is going to screw up America

1. He’s going to spend your money like a drunken sailor on shore leave. It’s just going to make our debt worse. You can’t raise taxes and make debt go away. He plans on bailing more companies out, and is even for another “stimulus check”. Raise taxes in a recession on the rich, they’re going to tighten their belts and lay people off. That’s less people paying taxes to the government… I’m no economist, but less people paying taxes means less revenue, thus more debt. Less revenue and more spending, means more debt.

2. He’s going to nationalize our banks, auto industry and other companies… oh wait, we’ve already done some of that. If no one else see’s a problem with the Government owning part of the auto industry, you must be a socialist. The problem here is Government will then mandate what you can and can’t buy. That or they will make the freedom to choose your vehicle of choice extremely hard. If you’re not “green” you will be by proxy. This is a simple issue of liberty.

3. He’s basically going to sign over our nation to the U.N. The U.N. has been waiting many years to get its grubby little meat hooks on our sovereignty. They hate the fact that we are powerful and have a successful nation. Obama wants to bend knee to the U.N. and the EU socialists so they can dictate to our nation what we can and can’t do via treaties and world courts. Do you think they have the American constitution and people in mind? I don’t think so.

4. He’s going to end the war on terror. He has already stated that he wants to withdraw from Iraq. This causes a few problems and is dangerous because guess who is waiting next door? Iran. They haven’t been very kosher on the world stage as of late. We leave Iraq a very new fragile Democracy, all it’d take is for Iran to drop a few bombs and cause a little chaos, and Iraq is toast. The second problem is the terrorists will see America leaving Iraq as a victory to them. They will use this new victory to rally more troops if you will for defeating the “great evil” in the world. Our war on terror would have been in vain, and they will come after us here.

5. To add to the one above, he has said he wants to cut our military budget, and “unproven” missile defense systems. You know like the one that shot the falling satellite out of the sky? Not only has he said this, he has announced to the world what rollbacks we’re going to take with our military. If there is one thing you don’t tell your enemy, it’s how you plan to cut your military.

6. He supports the Fairness Doctrine. This is one of the major anti-freedom thing’s Obama is for. He wants equal airtime for liberal opinions. Sure it sounds great on the surface, but the fairness doctrine forces radio stations to have 50/50 airtime of both views, to make it fair. Basically the station would get flooded with calls demanding equal time for an opposing view, and people would stop listening to it as the left view is not what they want to hear and/or agree with. Want proof? Look at Air America. It fails, hardcore. No one wants to listen to it, ratings will begin to drop, and since radio stations are in it for the money their Freedom of Speech is banned by proxy. Obama knows traditional means to block talk radio won’t work, so this is his crafty way of banning the right talk radio from the backdoor.

7. He opposes civilian gun ownership. Just look at his voting record. Don’t be fooled by his silly Pro-2nd Amendment ads or speeches. This is a man that would take your guns from you if he could. He supports a 500% tax increase on guns and ammo. He wants to ban handguns and all semi-auto “assault rifles”. Again like with the Fairness Doctrine, he knows he won’t be able to ban guns by traditional means, so he’ll tax it and make it difficult to get. This is quite simply another restriction on your liberty.

8. He opposes drilling our oil, but is also against nuclear power. Both are cheap and can generate the BTU’s, but he’d rather us use unproven power sources and pay out the ass for them. Solar is not cheap, nor is wind power. Sure they are clean, but most of us have a budget to keep and can’t afford these “green” power sources. He wants to force them down our neck and not allow us to make a choice for ourselves. This proves his anti-capitalist stance. Capitalism if left unmolested will weed out what works and what doesn’t. Again, this is another issue with personal liberty. Anyone else beginning to notice a theme here?

9. He wants the Government to control everything. Education, healthcare, banks and the auto industry etc… anyone been to the DMV lately? Government run business is a blast isn’t it? Now imagine the DMV superimposed on to our health care system. 250 years of the freest country on earth is proof enough that free people can create a nation. No government program created our nation, free people did. When you start sticking Government in where it does not belong, you begin turning into a socialist Euro welfare state. Look where that left Europe.

10. To prove my above point, Obama is quite simply a Socialist. Socialism is not an American ideal, nor did it get America where it is today. To prove he is a socialist, he was voted the most liberal senator in 2007. Bernie Sanders a self proclaimed Socialist is the 4th most liberal senator. It doesn’t take rocket science to figure out where that leaves Obama. Socialism as I have listed out above will ruin this country from the inside out.

Obama is quite simply a threat to our nation.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Separation of Church from Bullshit.

The next time I hear someone say we can’t do something because of the separation of church and state, I’m going to punch them. Nowhere in the U.S. Constitution does it mention anything about the separation of church and state. If you can find it and link me to the source, I will personally send you $100 dollars. What the constitution says in the 1st Amendment is that “Congress shall make no law establishing a religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”.

Congress shall not establish a religion. Basically there is not to be a Church of the United States. The government cannot prohibit someone from freely exercising their religion of choice. It’s really not that hard to understand. There is no amendment, law or clause that says that church and state have to be separate. Someone holding a prayer in school is not establishing religion. The school board prohibiting it is prohibiting the free exercise of religion, thus unconstitutional. Having a manger scene in a square downtown is not establishing religion. The city council saying that it has to be taken down because it’s offensive to people is prohibiting the free exercise, and again, unconstitutional.

The problem I believe is we have a whole party of control freaks who like to control everything that is God centered in everyone else’s lives. The ACLU doesn’t protect freedom of religion; they protect people from the freedom FROM religion. I’m no constitutional scholar but I’m pretty sure it doesn’t say in the 1st amendment that you can practice religion unless it offends someone, then the government can step in and infringe on someone else’s right to practice that religion.

Separation of church and state is bullshit. Using this as a tool to drive all God centered religion out of public life; the control freak left actually establishes an official state religion. That religion is Atheism.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Open carry reports

I've decided to clump together a log of some open carry outings. They are all past posts I've made on about my open carry interactions un-editied. Enjoy.


Interesting story here today. On the way home from Wal-Mart to get a few things I stopped at Sheetz to get a drink, some lunch and some gas on the other side of I-81 here in Chambersburg.

As I was filling up, a truck with a camper pulled up in the vacant spot behind me. I noticed the Ontario tags. The driver proceeded to get out and filled up his tank, all the while watching me. My strong side was facing him. Afterwards I went in to order and pay for my food, he did the same. As I was standing there waiting for my order he struck up a little small talk.

Him: "Interesting you have an exposed pistol like that. Are you a cop"?
Me: "No sir, just a regular citizen"
Him: "I'm from Canada and this is something you don't see up there at all unless you're a cop"
Me: "Well the laws concerning firearms are very different down here".
Him: "Well yes, but out in the open like that"?
Me: "Depends on the state. Here in PA you can. In NY for example you can't".

We continued our conversation about carry laws in America and I gave him a flyer. He told me he had long guns in Canada for hunting, but no handguns as the laws are much more strict up there. He said its not worth the hassle. I told him some states in America are like that, but after the SCOTUS ruling hopefully things will be changing here soon. We talked for a few minutes about guns and hunting before we returned to our vehicles. Overall it was a good OC encounter. He was more curious than anything.


Well I finally made it to the holy grail of states for all CCers and OCers… Vermont

Actually we just got back from Maine for the week, we just passed thru Vermont. I mostly concealed up in Maine as I was around a lot of family and friends. We we’re in Winthrop just outside of Augusta for the week. We had a cabin on the lake, and we went swimming, fishing, boating on the lake, had bon fires, drank beer… it was a good time. I was pleasantly surprised to find out my uncle had his Maine CCL after telling him I went to Kentucky to the NRA convention. We chatted for a bit about CCL’s and explained to him about Maine non-resident permits which I had because he seemed confused that I was able to carry in Maine.

Besides having to disarm in NY the trip was uneventful. We made it across to Vermont where we stopped for some lunch in Bennington. I open carried my Glock and concealed my Kel-Tec P3AT sterile. It felt liberating not having to have a LTCF on hand in order to carry. No looks, not one stare. We stopped again in Battleboro for a tinkle break and a stretch, and then we headed up 91 to St. Johnburys then across to New Hampshire where I “re-permitted” myself and carried into McDonalds for some dinner. I had a few head turns from New Yorkers and people from Mass… but no police showed up, nothing. We headed over to Maine from there without stopping.

While in Maine I CCed everywhere we went (because of family), the store, gas stations, dinner etc… The only exception was when my wife, kids and I went to Rockport for the day and had some lobster lunch, I OCed with no stares at the restaurant.

When we came back I OCed the whole way to the Vermont/New York border. We stopped at a few gas stations along the way with no stares.

Over all a fun, and uneventful OC/CC vacation.


So while my mom and sister were here visiting from California I decided I was still going to OC despite their objections, this is a complete list of places that I went to and OCed:

Philly Airport, no issues.
Hotel, nothing.
Ruby Tuesdays in Philly, nothing.
The Philly Diner (Next day for breakfast). I had one question from a patron, but after I explained the law that was it.

I disarmed for the monuments (Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, Constitution center, and the US Mint) Irony just sucks huh?
I CCed in the King of Prussia mall... something just told me security would boot my ass out.
Drove home and OCed again at the Bass Pro (Harrisburg mall), not a stare.
Greenvillage Diner for breakfast, nothing.

Sheetz for gas. There was a state trooper parked out front with his window down. My sister made the comment that "you shouldn't do that there’s a cop right there". To which I said I'm doing nothing illegal and got out of the car and went in. Nothing but a few stares. Nothing from the LEO.

Hershey park, left the gun in the car 1. Because I was going to the water park all day and I don't want to CC in the pool and 2. Park security at the gate "for all of our guests safety, please leave all undesirable objects in your vehicle"

Dinner at Casey’s Restaurant in Greencastle... at this point my mom was irritated that I OCed so much and gave me the "can't you leave it at home just this once". I said I'm not going without my firearm and that its going with us. She asked me to cover up, to which I objected again. I OCed without an issue.

Forgot to add: I OCed at Midas and Giant grocery store with my mom. I had to get my car inspection done and picked up a few things from the store (besdes my mom rolling her eyes) I had no issues.

Drove back to Philly, and I OCed at the airport again, no issue.
Got gas in the city somewhere near 1-696 I got a few stares, but nothing.
Rest stop on the turnpike... besides the abundance of Jersey plates and stares, I ate my lunch and was on my way.

Over all it was an uneventful week.


Here I am in Philly... OCed at the airport, walked past a Philly cop... nothing.

OCed at the hotel check in, nada.

OCed at dinner... not a glance.

Can't carry tomorrow tho because of the "Federal park" bullcrap, and I'll CC at the King of Prussia mall before we head home. I saw a "Welcome to Philly" sign from Mayor Nut-job... I had to point and laugh.

I'll be sure to report more tomorrow.

Edit: I was a little nervous at fisrt, but soon got over the OC in a questionable place jitters.


Well today is my first day off in god knows how long I got off work at 2:30 yesterday and came home, cleaned up washed the truck and headed off to move my friend. Places that I went to:

Jiffy Lube: My truck needed an oil change and new anti-freeze. I got out and talked to the guys. No one really noticed or cared if they did. The manager was quite friendly when I was talking to him about what needed done.

Beer distributor: Pulled up and bought a case of beer for the evening. No one cared or noticed.

Kmart: Stopped in to get a new pair of sandels and some toiletries for myself. The cashier noticed I was OCing, and asked "Whats that"? I said "A firearm". She glared at me and said "Oh..." and continued to ring me up.

Sheetz: I stopped in to get a few powerball tickets. A group of thug looking mexican kids noticed for sure. One looked right at it and started saying something in Spanish and they all looked down, eyes wide as saucers. After they left I was rung up for my tickets. The cashier neither noticed nor cared.

Friends parents house: They have guns and like them. I got a few "Nice gun" comments while I was there. His family was having a get together or some such thing.

EDIT Added to today:

Ruby Tuesdays: No one noticed except for one man we assumed was out of state. He looked at it and did a double take. Over all a non-eventful experience.

Giant grocery store: Walked around with out a hassle. Cashier glared, but nothing was said. I paid and was off.


I had yet another positive OC experience last night. My wife and I decided we were going to go out to eat for dinner with the kids. It was a nice evening out so I had a T-shirt on with my Glock 36 in an OWB holster. Not one set of eyes drifted. The only thing is one guy looking down as he walked past. That was it. No one noticed. We went to Moe's over on Gateway Ave. by the Ford dealership. It is privately owned, and the owner was very receptive to the fact of me OCing. I gave him our flyer, and said sometime in the future maybe we could have a meet there. So to everyone in Franklin County, Moe's is a gun-friendly zone After dinner we made our way to Gander to check out a few guns and to see how much ammo has gone up. We left empty handed... there was a nice camo Mossberg Tactical 835 Ulti-Mag I had to play with I set it down and made note of it to purchase elsewhere for cheaper. No one in Gander really noticed or cared. I think a few guys looking at guns saw it, but didn't care.


Sunday, September 28, 2008

Liberals are really beginning to piss me off

This is more of a rant then a political blog, but I am getting fed up with this sophomoric behavior of these sniveling little liberals. I came home the other night to find my new McCain/Palin sign smashed and bent into the ground. I picked it back up and bent it back into shape and put it back in the ground.

Again tonight, now it’s missing, and so is the original McCain sign that I had set on my front porch. Word has it the Democrats in the area are on a little campaign to snatch and destroy yard signs. Apparently a large McCain sign down in Hagerstown was butchered and burned…

People have cut me off and flipped me off in traffic "McCain sucks!"... "Vote for someone better you idiot". One of them was even kind enough to leave a Obama sticker on my windshield which I gladly left in the parking lot in the puddle.

Tonight at work someone brought up politics because of my McCain sticker. They gave me the whole “Bush lied, people died” liberal chant that they are always on about. They rambled on about Enron, Bush’s oil cronies and how this was “daddies” war. This is all crap that has been thoroughly debunked. They wouldn’t even listen to me and laughed at everything I attempted to say. It got old real quick.

The Democrats are supposed to be the party of tolerance? Oh wait, only if you're not a conservative...

Friday, September 5, 2008

I thought you wanted "Change" Obama?

So Sarah Palin was the VP pick for John McCain, and if I may add a fine looking one too. The liberals claim her experience doesn't compare to Joe Biden, who has been a Senator for many decades... I thought the Obama people wanted to get rid of the beurocrats in Washington? I thought we needed a fresh face in Washington. We need "change" not the same old crap. Palin is young and energetic, she will be a nice addition to our government in Washington.

Palin has proven herself in many ways. One she is not involved in big government, the same government that has lost touch with its constituents back home. Palin will be a welcome fresh face in Washington. She will clean house if you will. Look what she did in Alaska as governor. Her first act as governor was to sell the governor's jet on ebay and vow to fly commercial. She reduced general fund spending by $124 million in 2007. Basically she is against pork barrel spending. Something Obama is NOT for.

She is Pro-life an family values... I know, I know, her daughter is pregnant. I'm sure that's not anyone's dream for their children. unlike Obama's view, if that happened to one of his daughters, he would want an abortion for that "mistake". Palin's daughter is doing the responsible thing...marrying the father, and having the baby. Besides, I'm not sure with Obama's family tree and upbringing the way it is, you really want to get into this discussion?

Palin is better prepared, and has more experience to bring to the presidency than then Obama. He only has 2 years of experience in the U.S. Senate before he started running for president. Only 2... Palin at a minimum has experience in the executive branch, and how it works. She is pro-life, against pork barrel spending, drilling OUR oil, and not to mention a life member of the NRA.

She gets a lot of crap about taxes, but as both mayor and governor she cut property taxes & increased sales tax to compensate (You know sales tax is constitutional while property tax isn't). She repealed many "nuisance taxes" including the tire tax and other little taxes on things that are just ridiculous. She promised tax cuts, and as Mayor Palin largely delivered on her promises.

Palin was a smart move on McCain's part to seal the right wing vote. He would have done himself in with a Liberman or Romney pick. The reason so many Democrats attack Palin is because they know she is ultra-conservative, and they are scared of her. I can't wait to see the debate between her and Biden.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Providing the general welfare...

....The preamble to the US constitution says nothing of the sorts. Liberals over time seem to have reversed what is says."We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, PROMOTE the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America".

No where does it say we have to provide the general welfare, all it has to do is promote it. Basically encourage private charity. Thats about it. The only thing the government provides is the common defense... i.e. the Military. You liberals really need to read the constitution, and more importantly, the Federalist and Anti-Federalist papers. The founders were CRYSTAL clear on their intent.

I believe and always believe in private charity. People will donate their time and money. There are good people in this country. Orgnizations like the Red Cross are good because people will give. It gives them a good feeling. Think about when you do something for a good cause, you get a warm feeling deep down. You know what you did, and what you gave was for a good cause.

When the iron fist of government strikes down and demands money from the people you get resentment and negative feelings. The government then gives it to others who don't deserve it, and they generate animosity among the people. Animosity towards the government, animosity towards social programs, and animosity for welfare. People are less inclined to donate to good causes like churches, the Red Cross and the like because they are forced to do it thru the government.

I believe in "welfare" but it shouldn't be mandated by government. People who are genuinely disabled after exausting private contributions should be entitled to government welfare. Everyone else... get a job. I have two, you can't get one?

Thursday, August 7, 2008

For all Pennsylvanians who care about their privacy rights

There is a class-action lawsuit underway against PennDot for stealing your identity. We are currently in the beginning stages, trying to get as many plaintiffs on our list as possible before filing this lawsuit.

In the words of Rep. Sam Rohrer, from his press conference:

"Exactly two years ago, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania entered into a $45 million contract with Viisage Technology, self-described as 'the industry leader in instant issue digital driver's licenses.' Viisage, later renamed L-1 Identity Solutions, became responsible for issuing Pennsylvania driver's licenses.

Under the authority of Governor Rendell, Viisage and PennDOT launched a new program in June 2006 known as FaceEXPLORER to be used in conjunction with the issuing of driver's licenses. This program uses an upgraded, high-definition photograph taken at a driver's license center to create a facial recognition template, or 'faceprint,' similar in purpose and uniqueness to a fingerprint. This faceprint is a form of biometrics based on the measurements of a person's unique, personal facial geometry. The faceprint goes beyond such easily recognizable physical features as haircut, glasses or facial hair and into an analysis of one's unique facial structure. Once this personally unique faceprint has been created, it is stored in a database to be used to compare against the faceprint of others. By these means, PennDOT and Viisage hoped to reduce identity fraud and theft. In reality, FaceEXPLORER has been a 'back-door' means to implement the REAL ID Act of 2005 without the consent or knowledge of either the legislature or the people."

Rep. Rohrer goes on to say that " . . Neither PennDOT nor Viisage has inherent authority nor have they been granted any exception to take biometric information from the citizens of the Commonwealth. . .The actions allowed by Governor Rendell further violates statutory law. . .Significantly, this issue constitutes a major Constitutional violation. . . "

Your biometric faceprint can be picked up by surveillance cameras to track your every move. This has to be stopped. Our biometric data must be destroyed/deleted!

We need to join together. This is a crucial moment that we cannot let slip away.

If you want to be part of this lawsuit, contact Renee' Baumgartner by email at, or call her cell (sparingly) at 717-286-8042.
She is a state co-coordinator of Pennsylvania for Restore the Republic and a member of the Campaign for Liberty in Lancaster County.

Email your: Name, Physical Address, phone number & email address

(This information will be kept strictly with her and the attorney that we retain for the lawsuit. Updates will be available as we move forward.)

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The IRS = crooks

The definition of robbery is "The act or practice of robbing; specifically: larceny from the person or presence of another by violence or threat". Pretty much sums up the IRS doesn’t it? I just got done watching a documentary by Aaron Russo called “America – Freedom to Fascism” Here is a trailer:

Many Americans do not realize that the income tax we pay is illegal, and there is NO LAW what so ever saying you have to pay the tax. The 16th Amendment of the constitution was never fully ratified. A lot of states (PA comes to mind) did not ratify the income tax amendment. Also the Supreme Court in two cases struck down the 16th Amendment as unconstitutional. Go Google it if you don’t believe me. They said if you weren't taxable before the 16th you aren't taxable after the 16th. The constitution is very clear on who and what can be taxed.

The IRS was set up in 1913 I believe to start collecting taxes on the wages of citizens. The government per Article 1 section 8 and 9 can tax people and companies based on gains on profits. Not income. The sales tax is legal, the gas tax is legal, and these are what are known as excise taxes. They are avoidable taxes, or indirect. The government can legally tax corporations based on profit. Let’s say XYZ company makes 50 Billion a year. And they use 40 Billion of that to pay employees, create new product etc… that would leave 10 Billion in profit. That legally could be taxed. The government cannot tax the whole 50 billion because that is total income. It’s the same if I worked for someone. If I make $500 dollars a week for trading my work for money, that’s not profit, that’s income. I’m giving something for something. If I won the lottery for example that is profit. That legally can be taxed.

Just remember this… our nation made it from 1776 to 1913 without an income tax. We won many wars and created this great nation without robbing the people of this land. Why do we need to do it now? Also note that half a dozen or so states have no state income tax.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Why the Gun Is Civilization

I read this a while back and wanted to get peoples take on it... It's a good powerful article. Being someone who take self defense personally this article moved me. I carry a handgun daily... I hope to god I never have to use it, but if I'm put in a situation where its me or them... its going to be them.


Human beings only have two ways to deal with one another: reason and force. If you want me to do something for you, you have a choice of either convincing me via argument, or force me to do your bidding under threat of force. Every human interaction falls into one of those two categories, without exception. Reason or force, that's it. In a truly moral and civilized society, people exclusively interact through persuasion.

Force has no place as a valid method of social interaction, and the only thing that removes force from the menu is the personal firearm, as paradoxical as it may sound to some. When I carry a gun, you cannot deal with me by force. You have to use reason and try to persuade me, because I have a way to negate your threat or employment of force. The gun is the only personal weapon that puts a 100-pound woman on equal footing with a 220-pound mugger, a 75-year old retiree on equal footing with a 19-year old gangbanger, and a single gay guy on equal footing with a carload of drunk guys with baseball bats. The gun removes the disparity in physical strength, size, or numbers between a potential attacker and a defender.

There are plenty of people who consider the gun as the source of bad force equations. These are the people who think that we'd be more civilized if all guns were removed from society, because a firearm makes it easier for a mugger to do his job. That, of course, is only true if the mugger's potential victims are mostly disarmed either by choice or by legislative fiat--it has no validity when most of a mugger's potential marks are armed. People who argue for the banning of arms ask for automatic rule by the young, the strong, and the many, and that's the exact opposite of a civilized society. A mugger, even an armed one, can only make a successful living in a society where the state has granted him a force monopoly.

Then there's the argument that the gun makes confrontations lethal that otherwise would only result in injury. This argument is fallacious in several ways. Without guns involved, confrontations are won by the physically superior party inflicting overwhelming injury on the loser. People who think that fists, bats, sticks, or stones don't constitute lethal force watch too much TV, where people take beatings and come out of it with a bloody lip at worst. The fact that the gun makes lethal force easier works solely in favor of the weaker defender, not the stronger attacker. If both are armed, the field is level. The gun is the only weapon that's as lethal in the hands of an octogenarian as it is in the hands of a weightlifter. It simply wouldn't work as well as a force equalizer if it wasn't both lethal and easily employable.

When I carry a gun, I don't do so because I am looking for a fight, but because I'm looking to be left alone. The gun at my side means that I cannot be forced, only persuaded. I don't carry it because I'm afraid, but because it enables me to be unafraid. It doesn't limit the actions of those who would interact with me through reason, only the actions of those who would do so by force. It removes force from the equation...and that's why carrying a gun is a civilized act.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Iran is saber rattling, or so it seems

Opps... It looks like Iran can't photoshop... It looks as though Iran is acting big bad and tough again. It seems as though Israel and Iran are about to become unhappy with one another. Both sides have been flexing their muscles in preparation of a possible war, just like Israel did to Iraq when they found out about their nuclear plant being built a little too close to Israel. One thing I noticed though about Iran... If they can't even Photoshop a picture correctly, what makes you think they'll win a war? I bet any money the secret police in Iran gave the guy that made this picture the boot*, and I'm even willing to bet there wasn't any severance pay.

Either way Iran has another thing coming if they decide to attack Israel, or if Israel has reason to believe Iran is hiding something... oh I don't know, say like nukes. It's funny the left always believes insane dictators like Amhedinejad... but question our own President and own CIA about what Iran has.

This is how I think it'll go down...
1. Israel bombs the hell out of Iran before Bush leaves office. Israel knows if they do this afterwards there is a chance that the U.S. won't back an attack on Iran *Cough*cough* Obama...
2. Iran retaliates by blocking the Strait of Hormuz (40% of the worlds oil supply) and the U.S. Fleet blocks that attempt.
3. Iran makes the fatal move of attacking the U.S. fleet and by sending missiles off to Israel and to U.S. forces in Iraq. The attacking force is annihilated.
4. Al Queda cells execute terrorists attacks such as car bombs and dirty bombs in the U.S. Israel and Britain.
5. Israel and the U.S. decimate Iran.

The days of $4 dollar gas will seem like the good ol' days after all is said and done. No matter what happens with Iran, if anything happens in this country, I have my guns, canned food, water and a lot of ammo. Open season on those sand monkeys I say.

*Boot in Iran means a 9mm to the back of the head after a few days in a holding cell with no water or toilet, another few days of torture and all this for displeasing the dictator.

Monday, July 7, 2008

We're all going to die...

I love it how the liberal media spews crap like its going out of style. Ever wonder why the news is so negative? You only hear bad stuff? Do you want proof that the liberal media is in fact liberal? Currently the "bad news" is unemployment is high, inflation is thru the roof, gas prices are horrible, the housing market is in the shitter and the list goes on and on... No wonder people believe this crap because it's all they hear. Let’s examine each one here.

Unemployment is a no brainer. Currently (June of 08) unemployment is at 5.5%. When Clinton was president 5.5% unemployment was the new golden age, now it’s a bad economy going into recession. Jobs are fine. The Bush tax cuts helped a lot with this. More money in the pockets of buisness owners simply leads to more jobs. People, jobs and money will go where capital is treated with respect. Why would I open a buisness in a state with 10% tax, if I could open a buisness in the next state over that only charges 5%.... thats a no brainer. Money and wealth go where its treated well. Jobs are where the money is... Michigan is a perfect example why high taxes and liberal economics fail.

Inflation is another one I love, and it has to do with the feds printing money out of thin air. This is one that is the fault of both parties. Not just Republicans or Democrats. Setting low interest rates causes more inflation. Originally back in the day, you had gold or silver. They were tangible valuable objects that you took to the bank, got a receipt (remember silver certificates?) and could redeem later on if needed. Well banks, backed by the Federal Reserve decided it would be a good idea to start printing these receipts and tokens (money) out of thin air without gold or silver to back them up... there is only so much gold so the value of the receipts (money) goes down. The more receipts you make, the less they are worth because you can’t make more gold to back them up. There is only so much.

Gas prices are self inflicted wounds by the Democrats and by the environmental whackos. The same ones who tell us we can’t drill our own oil, on our own soil because it might hurt the animals. I got news for you; I don’t give a shit about a chipmunk or some rare tree fungus when I am paying damn near $60 dollars to fill up my CAR. There is enough shale oil in Colorado to bring oil prices down to $30 a barrel (Or about .75 cents a gallon). There have been surveys done that shows that there is somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.3+ Trillion barrels of oil in Colorado. That makes the whole of the Middle East look like a blip on the radar. To put this into perspective here, since the beginning of the oil age back at the turn of the 20th century (if not before), the entire consumption of oil world wide to date has been somewhere just short of a trillion barrels. Well some Democrat in congress (I can’t recall his name now) in all his divine wisdom slipped in a last minute amendment to the energy bill to put drilling in Colorado off limits all to play to his environmental base. He should be dragged into the street and shot for treason, all because we can’t hurt some bird. We have safe and environmentally safe ways to extract oil. If you want to know why gas prices aren't coming down, its not the oil companies (thier hands are tied by the liberals) it's simple supply and demand. The Democrats limit supply, the demand is still high, and getting higher wirh China and India coming online. These liberals are complete and utter idiots.

The housing market again is a liberal policy and a self inflicted wound. The government back in Clinton’s time demanded that banks loan to unqualified people, to help “every American own a home”. Well these people began to default when inflation went up because they were trapped with adjustable rate mortgages. These are the same people in the inner cities on welfare, low paying jobs, living paycheck to paycheck. So a slight increase in their mortgage was enough to overdo it for these people. They lost their homes, and one thing led to another and the housing market went to shit because unqualified people kept defaulting left and right when their mortgages went up. Then the government turned around and blamed the banks and fined them and jacked taxes up as punishment… then people wonder why their interest’s rates rose even more. Then more, more houses were defaulted on and lost etc…

Don’t forget guys, we didn’t have many of these problems until the Democrats were voted into congress in 2006. We recovered from a mild recession left for us by Clinton. America was doing great from 01 to about 06 early 07… The Bush tax cuts boomed the economy because thats more money being spent by the American people, not by some beauocrat in Washington. I think I know how to spend my money better then they do.

As you can see most of these are self inflicted wounds by the Democrats playing to their greenie weenies, hippie, emo base. But as always its Bush's fault, congress and the bolshevik bitch (Nancy Pelosi) have nothing to do with it at all [/Sarcasm]...

Liberals never think what they are doing is wrong, they just think they haven’t been able to do enough of it yet.

Friday, July 4, 2008

D.C. vs Heller

The issue I believe is this. The left looks at the beginning of the amendment. "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state..." using dictionaries form the time, well regulated meant well trained or well drilled. The gun-control activists forget the second part about "The right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" The people are individual persons, thus an individual right. (Just like the other 9 amendments)

Basically breaking it down, the people are what the militia is comprised of. Back in 1776 the militia was an average citizen (individual) using private firearms, but formed together when needed to fight. George Mason was very clear about this in the federalist papers. A militia is a collective group, but the rights of the people (average citizen) who form that group have the right to own private firearms for self defense or worse yet, government tyranny. The militia is the people, which are individual persons.

Banning guns in DC is unconstitutional because the 2nd Amendment is about self defense from criminals, the government and foreign invasion. It's not about state rights, just like free speech isn't just for the government to control. Not allowing guns is an infringement, just like if D.C. enacted a no-free speech zone. Each individual citizen has the right to speak freely, practice religion, the press, and is free from illegal search and seizure. The state has no control over these other freedoms... guns are no different.

I think I might go out and celebrate by open carrying a new gun :)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Time for a culture shock

My mom and sister are going to be visiting from California next week. It'll be interesting to see their reaction when I am open carrying my handgun in plain view. This is a perfectly legal practice in Pennsylvania, but not in California. The difference in the states is vast. It brings up a big point about the anti-gunners (who control California and most liberal states). They aren't trying to ban the instrument; they are trying to install fear into the public minds about guns. My mom and sister living in California who are qusi-informed about politics are led to believe guns are horrible instruments of death because gangs have them in south-central LA. The fact that my mom and sister would even care that I have a gun, and carry it openly proves that the Brady bunch and their thugs have accomplished their mission of fear. We as gun owners need to stand up and say "ENOUGH"! Carrying a gun is a right and should be as normal as a cell phone, set of keys or a women’s purse. Someone carrying a gun openly shouldn't even turn heads, guns are an essential part of American culture.

This reminds me of the last time when my mom came out. She about lost it when she realized I had a loaded gun in the car. "Isn't that illegal"? she asked. "Only in your state mom..." and this was about a concealed handgun in a car. She thinks guns are bad and told me as such. I think I got thru to her a bit last time, but I didn't open carry last time either... I'll be curious to see how she reacts to a gun in plain view in public, which I'm sure she has not been exposed to in California. Looks like I’ll have more educating on my hands.

This brings up another point about people who support gun ownership, but aren't avid about it as say someone like me. Take my father or my boss for example. They both support gun ownership, but say things like “I don't think you need an AK-47" or "You shouldn’t carry a gun into a polling place, it's not common sense". They both support gun ownership and concealed carry but say crap like this. They eat this stuff up because it is all they are exposed to. They aren't looking at crime statistics, they aren't reading gun forums and they aren't avid about it, they just "support" it. They only get a 2 minute blurbs on TV at night. These reports lead people to believe that AK-47's are used only in mass shootings, and not for defense against a tyrannical government. This is the reason for the Second Amendment, not to hunt, but to keep thugs from hunting you. The anti-gun lobby doesn't make villains out of hunters, just people who carry handguns legally and people who use AK-47's for sport shooting, but lead you to believe if you own an AK-47 or carry a handgun you will shoot up a mall, or become a thug and rob a liquor store. This explains why even people, who support gun ownership, really don't.

Now you can see how someone like my mother in an anti-gun state of California who doesn’t even follow politics gets brainwashed into believing guns are evil. If educated people like my father who support it still get tricked into believing concealed carry and AK-47’s are bad, but hunting rifles aren’t, then imagine what it does to people who have no clue.

Us real gun owners and supporters know better… much better.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Importing poverty to America

Illegal immigration. What about it do the liberals not understand? It's ILLEGAL, also known as a federal felony. There are legal ways to enter this country, too bad if you have to wait in line, and too bad if you have to take citizenship classes. If you want to be an American citizen bad enough, do what you need to do, otherwise you need to leave.

"Give me your tired, your poor,Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door".

This is what the plaque at the base of the Statue of Liberty says. We are America, we are all immigrants. Our ancestors came here legally, and did what they had to do to get in. Yes, even from poor nations. America opens its arms to anyone who wishes to come here and make a better life for themselves. It needs to be done legally though.

I get furious when people call me xenophobic, racist, bigoted and any other anti-racial slur they can think of. People who want to secure our borders are NOT racist, they want security (I’ll get into that later) There is a big difference between people who came here legally at ports of entry and did the work necessary to gain citizenship, and those who decided to cut open a fence in the middle of the desert at 3am.

The problem with illegal immigration is this. They break in from the south mostly; they come here to our nation. They aren’t in any public databases such as social security or police records etc. They are in essence a ghost. They cross the border, get fake or stolen ID’s from people on the street. They use these fake ID’s to get healthcare for free (they don’t pay, so we do), the get social security checks (They never put a dime into), they put their kids in public school (they don’t pay taxes to pay for the schools) and they take our jobs at a lower cost. I admire the immigrants that come here legally and do the dirty work that Americans won’t do. They’ll come here and pick our crops, tend to livestock and do other undesirable work that the average American would not do. The problems with illegal’s is they are paid under the table and don’t pay into social security that other illegal’s are getting for free from hardworking Americans.

Another BIG issue with illegal immigration (and I think Canada finally gets it) is terrorists know they can get across the border in Mexico. They can slip some poor Mexican a few hundred dollars to smuggle over drugs, illegal guns, and bomb making materials to someone on the American side, and the American authorities would have no clue about the trade. This is dangerous and goes further than Jose working for a dollar an hour for some farmer in California. It’s about national security.

The solution I believe is simple. First we have to plug the leak; it’s pointless to pump water out of a boat that still has a hole in it. Look at the Border States. We have California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. I to solve this problem I believe the federal and state governments should exempt all land owners along the border from paying any taxes EVER again if in turn they build an 8 foot high fence along their property line, and install cameras to monitor activity. States such as Arizona and Texas have strong gun laws, and with the Castle Doctrine law, should be allowed to shoot at ANY illegal immigrant who illegally enters our nation and their property. This would solve two problems. The first would be the cost of building the fence would dwindle to practically nothing since land owners would be responsible for doing so with such a large prize (No taxes). The second would be the lack of illegal immigration in these areas because of the risk of legally getting shot by land owners. Illegal immigrants would not risk it as much.

For the problem of all the ones here now, do what Arizona did. Impose severe penalties for hiring or renting to illegals. They will eventually not be able to find work or housing and head home as they are doing in Arizona. Yet again I find myself screaming at the TV at night… “It’s not that friggin’ hard people”!! Just listen to the people of this nation, we have the answers.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The war on drugs is stupid

I get a lot of crap for being a Republican and supporting the use of drugs. My view is simple to understand, if it is a victimless crime, it shouldn't be illegal. Smoking weed at my leisure isn't affecting anyone but me. Therefore it should not be illegal. Let me share a story with you that happened to me today. Last November my doctor proscribed me Alprazolam (Xanax) to help me get to sleep. I have problems with anxiety and it makes it hard for me to fall asleep at times. The doctor gave me a prescription for a year’s worth, to take when needed. Here we are in May, seven months later. I went to go get a monthly refill and they can't give it to me. Why? Because it’s considered a controlled substance by the all knowing government. Basically because the government decided to make a victimless law that has done nothing to curb the use of drugs (if anything it has made crime rates go up), I can't get a prescription filled. The law says I have to get a new prescription at the end of 6 months, not the original one year that my doctor and I decided was right for me. Nope, the government knows better about my healthcare then me and my doctor. Now I can't get a refill until I go back to my doctor and talk to him. Thanks for looking out for me Government, you certainly know how to live my life better then I do. Anyone here see why I don't support nationalized health care?

I believe marijuana, mushrooms, all narcotics and other "controlled substances" should be 100% LEGAL. What should be illegal is if when you use those drugs you infringe on someone else’s rights. If you make drugs legal ALL drug crimes, most robbery and gang activity would drop like a rock. Right now the criminals have the monopoly on drugs and control them, hence the crime to get them because they are rare and controlled. They rob people, banks and houses to get money to buy drugs to sell them. If drugs were legal you could go to your local CVS and pick up a bottle of Oxycodine for a migraine. The criminals wouldn't have the market any more since you can just go and buy the drugs. The newly legal drugs would be controlled just like liquor and cigarettes. 18 or 21 to buy and they could be taxed just like them. Honest citizens would use the drugs correctly after discussing it with their doctors. Abusers would still have the same AA meetings they could attend, but the government should not mandate it unless what they are doing is affecting other people’s rights. If they want to abuse it in their free time, more power to them. Alcohol is no different than any other controlled substance in some cases its worse. The effects of alcohol are worse than weed, yet weed is illegal and alcohol is not. I don't endorse drug use, but I do endorse the free choice to use the recreational drug of choice without legal ramifications.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

4 bucks a gallon

Come on congress, this is getting ridiculous. I scream at the TV each night while watching about the ever rising gas prices "It's not that freaking hard people"! Drill in ANWAR drill in Montana, Drill off the coast, build more refineries, use our coal to our advantage. America is the Saudi Arabia of coal. The tree huggers want to save the polar bear to prevent us from drilling in Alaska. At this point I don't care about the polar bear. I care that it costs me $4 dollars a gallon to fill up my tank. Sure polar bears are cute on the coca cola commercials, but in real life they'd rip your chest open like you rip the saran wrap of a pound off ground beef. Not so cute now huh? When tree huggers start effecting humans negatively, that’s just insane.

No, what does congress do? They sue OPEC. That'll really get the prices down [/Sarcasm]. My 3 year old is more intelligent then these retards in congress. They fine the oil companies, they tax them more like the oil companies will go "Gee golly, they are serious now, we better pay the fine and not pass it on to the consumer". Congress said they would get prices down, 2 years later it's doubled. Gone are the days of $2.50 a gallon. Back then that was insane, today it's a steal. Americans are getting pissed off. Pushing ethanol won't help, forcing unperfected technology won't help. It creates animosity towards the government. Government doesn’t create products that work, they dictate what they think is right. When someone is forced to do something (government programs, ethanol), it is no longer free market capitalism (weeding out what works and what doesn’t), it is socialism. Forcing someone to do something that is unproven technology only makes costs go higher. Right now we need to drill OUR OIL. We have enough of it in Alaska, Montana and off the coast.

Congress needs to let capitalism run its course and gets it's nose out of the economy. Notice what happens when they do? Capitalism when left unmolested will weed out what technology works to get us away from oil. People are smart and know what to do. In the mean time nothing pulls the BTU’s like oil, coal and nuclear power. Get away from Iranian and Saudi oil, and drill our own, while letting capitalism run its course. Problem solved.

Friday, May 23, 2008

137th Annual NRA Convention Louisville, Kentucky

I went to the 137th annual NRA convention which was in Louisville, Kentucky for the weekend. My trip began Thursday morning around 830am. I had to drive thru the state of Maryland which I hate because of their "common sense" gun laws. I still fail to see how having to go defenseless is common sense? Oh well, their state, their problems. I made it thru Maryland in under two hours, after passing about half a dozen cops. *Cough*cough* Police state. I continued to West Virginia where I happily re-armed myself, and where I drove for about 3 hours thru some very beautiful country. I crossed the Kentucky border around 4pm and made it into Louisville around 8pm. Between West Virginia and Kentucky I saw one cop the entire way. It was a Lexington PD cruiser sitting with his lights on before some road construction. 1 cop in two states, 6 cops in one state... anyone else see a problem here? I got to Louisville and pretty much crashed after some pizza.

Friday- I woke up bright and early and headed off to the convention center with Greg after a quick stop at the store and some breakfast at Sonic... We mingled around the convention floor for a bit. I got a few photos, and stumbled upon R. Lee Ermey. The line was too long so I opted to come back the next day. Later Greg and I went to "The Celebration of American Values forum" with guest speakers John McCain, Mick Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Marcus Lutrell, Greg Stube, Karl Rove, John Bolton and Oliver North. There were a few others but I fail to remember at this time. I think the others were Pro-gun Senators and Reps from congress. We got special "media" seating because we are bloggers. Now I want to point out something rather funny in retrospect, but I was rather pissed at the time. So we are in line for the "Celebration of American Values"... And per John McCain’s request the audience had to be disarmed, and by entering we subject ourselves to search and seizure of property.... Remember, this is "A Celebration of American Values". The hypocrisy just sucks, doesn't it?

After the forum we dipped out and headed back to the hotel to go over to Indiana to have dinner with the blogger group. The restaurant was upstairs in the 2nd largest Bass Pro shop in the world. The store was 4 stories high and would have taken all day to walk thru it. After dinner I had to run over to Best Buy to get a charger for my camera which was about dead. Figures... it stays charged for 3 months, and wants to die when I'm 600 miles from home without my charger. Blah. $50 bucks later I drive back to Kentucky and have a few beers in the hotel room and hit the rack.

Saturday - I'm up bright and early again. There was no way in hell I was going to miss out on R. Lee Ermey. I was there for an hour before the opened the doors just to be first in line. Sure enough I was 3rd in line because apparently other people had the same idea. Well I got his autograph and photo with him. Still there wasn't a long wait. At this point I had about 4 hours to kill before the Glenn Beck book signing. I mozied on around the convention floor about 3 times (Which is a lot considering there were probably close to 1000 displays) At 1pm Greg and I met up and successfully made it to be first in line for the Glenn Beck signing. Beck walked right past us, shook our hands and went off to get Ted Nugent’s autograph before he left. We stood there for a few more minutes before Beck went out. His staff was rather pushy and pushed us along as quick as we put that book down. There was no time to get photos or chit chat. I was rather bummed, but I did get his autograph in his book. After the signing we went back to the room and crashed out for a bit before the banquet.

The banquet was in a rather large room at the convention center in downtown Louisville. I was near the back of the room, but I'm not complaining since I still managed to get a ticket being on the waiting list and all. The dinner was rather good, and afterwards we heard from a few guest speakers. Wayne LaPierre introduced Bobby Jindal the new Governor of Louisiana. Then the keynote speaker, Glenn Beck. As always his speech was powerful, sarcastic and to the point. I drove home the next morning glad that I went. I got to meet a few well known pro-second amendment celebrities and politicians, as well as picking up a lot of new knowledge about the 2nd Amendment.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Illegal search and seizure?

In America? I don't think so. It happens all the time though. The Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees the ""The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized." The search and seizure provisions of the Fourth Amendment are all about privacy. Most people instinctively understand the concept of privacy. It is the freedom to decide which details of your life will be revealed to the public and which will be revealed only to those you care to share them with. To honor this freedom, the Fourth Amendment protects against "unreasonable" searches and seizures by state or federal law enforcement authorities. I respect law enforcement, but I don't respect the games they play with law abiding citizens to get them to slip up and forfeit their rights. Even if the citizen knows their rights, and stand up for those rights not consenting to search or seizure of property, and the officer ignores that request, that my friend is known as oppression.

I want to look at something that happened to an acquaintance of mine. His name is Rich Banks. Rich is a member of the Pennsylvania Firearms Owners Association. He attended a PAFOA open carry dinner in Dickson City, PA. Most attendees of this event (other members of PAFOA) were legally open carrying pistols in plain sight which is perfectly legal in Pennsylvania without a license to carry firearms. You only need a LTCF when carrying concealed.

Well as the dinner progressed a “scared” patron called the police to report men with guns. The police showed up and arrested Rich for failure to identify himself with ID. When you are on foot, you are not required by law to produce ID, nor are you required to produce a license to carry firearms if you are open carrying (except for in a car or in Philadelphia). They arrested him for not consenting to search his person and for failure to produce ID. Many other members apparently were searched without consent or probable cause. After all was said and done, Rich was released when the police could not charge him with anything (he wasn’t doing anything wrong in the first place). The problem is when he denied search and seizure of his property and person, he was arrested. They tried to slap disorderly conduct on him for failing to produce ID, which is not required. And even if it was disorderly conduct is described in the Pennsylvania crime code:

§5503: A person is guilty of disorderly conduct if, with intent to cause public inconvenience, annoyance or alarm, or recklessly creating a risk thereof, he:
-engages in fighting or threatening, or in violent or tumultuous behavior;
-makes unreasonable noise;
-uses obscene language, or makes an obscene gesture; or
-Creates a hazardous or physically offensive condition by any act which serves no legitimate purpose of the actor”.

Not producing ID while on foot does not fall under the previous statutes. Since you don’t have to produce ID on foot, just a name if requested, he can’t get nailed for disorderly conduct. If he was not breaking a law in the first place he should have been left alone, plain and simple. The police should have come in and said, nothing illegal is taking place here and away they should have gone. Instead they harassed law abiding citizens for exercising their constitutional rights. Police oppression like this is NOT America. The police need to understand if there is NO probable cause, or no law that has, is or will be broken, a citizen standing up for his rights is NOT grounds for arrest. I for one will stand up in Rich’s legal defense. I am proud he took a bullet for the 2nd, 4th and 5th Amendments of our Bill of Rights. It’s people like him that keep out Bill of Rights alive. Good job man, I would have been in the patrol car with you too.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Open carrying a gun

God forbid I stand up for my rights. I mean after all I should be a drone of the state right? I should have no will of my own and just give in for the common good right? That sounds like a book I read once... oh ya "1984". Anyway as many of you know, or don't know I am an avid gun owner and I carry a handgun with me everywhere I legally can. I conceal when I need to and I open carry when I choose to. I was open carrying the other day and had an encounter with an off duty police officer. I wouldn't call this encounter with the officer negative, just pushy. So I was out in town the other day running some errands open carrying as normal. I decided to stop at Sheetz to grab a drink and a bite to eat. As I pulled in I saw two spots empty right in front, and before I know it this asshole zips right in and parks right on the line (taking up both spots) with a big SUV thing. He looked right at me, gets out with his daughter and goes in. I was pissed, but figured he's just an ass so I let it go. Well I go inside, get my stuff and stand in line. He stands in line right behind me. He is a very tall 6'5+, built, Bas Rutten looking, shaved bald head kind of guy. As I am waiting in line I hear him

Him: "You should cover that up"
Me: A little startled "Why? It's perfectly legal in PA to open carry".
Him: "Well you might scare someone, please pull your shirt over it"
Me: "And who are you"?
Him: "I'm an off duty State Trooper".
Me: (Getting a flyer out of my pocket at this point) "Again its not illegal to OC in PA, look here". As I show him the law.
Him: "Just because it's legal doesn't mean you have to do it".
Me: "Well I choose to, especially now in the summer when its warm. It's hard to conceal, especially with this holster, and its not illegal". I turn back around to pay for my food and leave.
Him: "I wish people would just listen and have common sense. He shouldn't be OCing in public like that" To his daughter who was about 10.
Me: (Before I left) "I've been OCing for some time now, no one has been scared, no one has died, and no one has called the police. It's legal and I choose to protect myself".
Him: "Well I think I'll write my representative to get that law changed".
Me: "Go ahead you won't get far with him (Rob Kauffman), he is very pro-open carry. Have a good day sir, I need to get going". At this point I left leaving him obviously flustered that I know my rights.

Ya god forbid I know my rights... right?

Thursday, May 8, 2008

The next 4 years of hell

Well for me the next election is a choice between bad, worse and worser. Well start with Hitlery... err Hillary. If she is anything like her husband with NAFTA and the Brady Bill... I might as well go out back and shoot myself now. I think Hillary, if elected will do the same things her husband did. She'll try and push for an "assault weapons" ban. I think with Hillary, the same as her husband would govern more moderate if she had a Republican congress to deal with and if it meant keeping her job as president. I strongly believe she is for the war and is more conservatives on some issues, but plays to her party base in order to get votes. Don't believe me, go look at her voting record. That’s why I say she'll be "worse", or in other words, half way between Obama and McCain.

Now "worser"... Obama. I can't get enough of this "Change" that he is going on about. Ask any Obama supporter what this change is. I'll bet they stare at you like a fool. "Well we need to change direction in Iraq"... Look here folks, we're winning in Iraq. Don't listen to the news, don't listen to the politicians. I have a few buddies in the Army over there who are bored out of their fucking skulls because there is nothing to do. Progress has been made. Life is returning to normal over there. The once anti-American militants are switching sides to fight alongside the Americans. Changing course in Iraq would only insure our loss emboldening the terrorists making things worse. "Well the economy is in rescission" they say. Again, media misconception. Our economy is fine. It is not going downhill, it may have slowed, it may have stagnated a bit, but it isn't going into a recession (downhill). Unemployment is low, taxes are low, and spending is up. That is a good economy. Changing that would be high unemployment, high taxes and less spending. Again with this "Change" crap... America DOES NOT need changed. It is fine the way it is, the last thing we need is more intrusive government.

Obama has a way of getting all these college kids, black inner city folks and rich white liberals with skulls filled with oatmeal to believe he is God. He is a blank slate in which everyone wishes and writes down their hopes and dreams on. I have news for you, look up Communism, and then look up his voting record as a Senator of Illinois and then when he was an Illinois state representative. You’ll find similarities. Not to mention his mentor in college was a card carrying member of the communist party. This man is socialist, he is communist, he is not American. Before some liberal gets their panties into a twist, I say he is not American in the sense that he has no traditional American values which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. He is for state control of everything and he is for robbing Peter to pay Paul.

Now for the bad, John McCain. He is far better the previous two clowns I mentioned, but he is no day at the beach either. John McCain bends too much, more then he should. He is taking the Republican Party and conservatives further and further to the left. Look at his views on abortion, illegal immigration and guns. These are issues I cannot ignore and choke down as a conservative. Many solid conservatives do not like McCain because he is far from what the Republicans used to be. Do you want to know where a conservative candidate should be? Look at Thomas Jefferson, and then compare him to John McCain, Hillary and Obama. Now can you see how politics have shifted really far left in this nation? I’ll give McCain one thing. He supports the troops and the war on terror. That’s one thing I am for, and will be enough for me to hold my nose and pull the lever for McCain, because I’d hate to see “worse” and “worser” get in.

So I say to America, this is all you could come up with? For the next 4 years, regardless of who gets in, i'll more then likely be complaining about them. Hey don’t blame me though, I voted for liberty, I voted for Ron Paul.

The Bill of Rights

I went ahead and added my thoughts on the Bill of Rights to give everyone an understanding how I view things in our nation today. In my last post I explained what I thought about our Republic and what it is. This post explains what I believe that Republic protects. I’ll get into each Amendment in greater detail as I post more. This will give you a general idea of what I think each Amendment means.

Amendment 1: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

I take this as the Government cannot make any law preventing people or the media from speaking out against the government, nor can anyone be punished for doing so. The people are allowed to rally against the government without fear of arrest. And lastly the government cannot establish a church of the United States or religion (hence the word establishment). There is nothing about the separation of church and state. The founders didn't want a forced religion. Not a banned manger scene in some town square because its next to a courthouse.

Amendment 2: A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

This simply states that the people can and have the right to rise up in arms against the government. The people are allowed to Para-military train and the PEOPLE that form these militias are allowed to own guns.

Amendment 3: No soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

I really don't understand this one. I think it stems from when British soldiers were ransacking people’s homes during the war and demanding food and shelter from the owner. The founders didn't want this again... this could technically fall under the 4th.

Amendment 4: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Basically the government cannot take property or services for no reason what so ever. The word "unreasonable" plays a key role here, and where I think the term probable cause comes from. They are synonymous. Just because a cop thinks you have weed doesn't mean he can just search you, that’s unreasonable. Yet it is reasonable if he sees a bag of pot sticking out of your pocket. Also people should be safe in their homes from the government, unless they are doing something really stupid, and even then the government can't just barge in without a good reason.

Amendment 5 pt. 1: No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger;

I'm going to break the 5th up into a few parts because each part has its own meaning. Personally I think it could be two separate amendments, but it can all be tied together as well. The first part means what it says. You don't have to answer any questions to the government. You have the right to remain silent and not agree to any accusations until you are in trial.

Amendment 5 pt. 2:...nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb;

You can't be found innocent, then tried again and found guilty.

Amendment 5 pt. 3: ...nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;

All this is why I believe property is a right, not a privilege. The government can't decide to take my house because I didn't pay a tax or because I am noisy. They can however take it after a fair trial. All this stuff you see on Cops when they impound cars, take someone’s gun etc... It’s all done as a violation of property and liberty. People are innocent until proven guilty, not the other way around.

Amendment 5 pt. 4:
…nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

Gov't has to pay up if they want your land. Even then if you don't want to sell they can't take it per the previous sentence statute.

Amendment 6: In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.

This amendment guarantees the right to not sit in a prison cell for months on end without being accused of something. It guarantees that the accused will have a quick trial and be told what they are being charged for. It also allows for the accused to have an attorney present for legal assistance before answering any questions as protected by the 5th Amendment.

Amendment 7: In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise reexamined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.

Your peers, not the government decide what your verdict is, or is not. This prevents government from just slapping a guilty verdict on everyone that walks thru the court room. The trial has to be fair.

Amendment 8: Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

This means the days of torture are over. Punishment must be civil and humane.

Amendments 9 & 10: -
-The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
-The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.

The 9th and 10th amendments basically are there to cover the tracks of the first 8. The people have the right to have rights and that whatever the constitution doesn’t tell the government not to do is left to the states or to the people to decide.

The Free Republic.

So this is my first Blog entry and I am going to begin with a foundation for subsequent posts.

According to Wikipedia a Republic is "A state where the head of state and other officials are elected as representatives of the people, and must govern according to existing constitutional law that limits the government's power over citizens. In a constitutional republic, executive, legislative, and judicial powers are separated into distinct branches and the will of the majority of the population is tempered by protections for individual rights so that no individual or group has absolute power. The fact that a constitution exists that limits the government's power makes the state constitutional. That the head(s) of state and other officials are chosen by election, rather than inheriting their positions, and that their decisions are subject to judicial review makes a state republican".

I think the biggest misconception a lot of Americans have is they believe that our government is a Democracy. In a Democracy majority rules, it’s like a monarchy, except for the fact that the majority of the people have the power, and not just one person, usually the King. The ones without the power are in the minority, because they have been over ruled by the majority. Thomas Jefferson said it best. "A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine". The founders loathed the idea of a Democracy. They wanted the rights and ideas of ALL citizens to be equal no matter how absurd or crazy they are, provided they don't infringe on the rights of others.

In A Republic the people have all the power vested in them, much like a Democracy. There is one key difference, and it’s usually a Constitution. The constitution protects the rights of all, regardless if they are in the majority or minority. If the majority wants it, but the constitution provides for the defense of it, the minority cannot have it taken away from them. The individual is the most important in a Republic. From that point on power is then delegated to the localities, counties, states then the federal government. In a Republic, each state is in essence its own nation, but all collected together by a loose federal government to provide for the common defense and promote the general welfare (to to be confused with provide as many Democrats seem to think the case is). This explains the different laws in different states, which is normal in a Republic provided they don't violate federal law (Constitution) which protects all citizens of all states. The states can tell the feds to shove it up their ass if they are violating anything in the federal constitution since it works from the bottom up in a Republic. Many states have taken this stance on the Real ID act (Which I don't agree with, but I'll get to that in a later blog entry). South Carolina, Vermont and Pennsylvania come to mind as states who have told the feds to stuff the real ID up their butts. The power does not come from the top down. It goes from the bottom up and is protected from the top down to make sure no locality violates the National Constitution.

We as Americans need to be fearful of the fact that our Government is slowly eroding our rights. It is happening all over the place. Some examples include obvious violations of the 2nd, 4th and 5th Amendments of our Bill of Rights. Don't confuse me as anti-American and anti-Government as many do when I talk about this topic. I am as pro-American as can be. Being pro-American means enjoying the fact that you do have rights and EXERCISING them. My concern falls when the Government thinks I should just "give in" and be a good American for the sake of the whole or for "my safety". I for one will NOT give in when it’s my God given rights in question.

I wish to end this first entry with a quote from one of our founding fathers. "Government is not reason; it is not eloquence. It is force. And force, like fire, is a dangerous servant and a fearful master." George Washington