Sunday, September 28, 2008

Liberals are really beginning to piss me off

This is more of a rant then a political blog, but I am getting fed up with this sophomoric behavior of these sniveling little liberals. I came home the other night to find my new McCain/Palin sign smashed and bent into the ground. I picked it back up and bent it back into shape and put it back in the ground.

Again tonight, now it’s missing, and so is the original McCain sign that I had set on my front porch. Word has it the Democrats in the area are on a little campaign to snatch and destroy yard signs. Apparently a large McCain sign down in Hagerstown was butchered and burned…

People have cut me off and flipped me off in traffic "McCain sucks!"... "Vote for someone better you idiot". One of them was even kind enough to leave a Obama sticker on my windshield which I gladly left in the parking lot in the puddle.

Tonight at work someone brought up politics because of my McCain sticker. They gave me the whole “Bush lied, people died” liberal chant that they are always on about. They rambled on about Enron, Bush’s oil cronies and how this was “daddies” war. This is all crap that has been thoroughly debunked. They wouldn’t even listen to me and laughed at everything I attempted to say. It got old real quick.

The Democrats are supposed to be the party of tolerance? Oh wait, only if you're not a conservative...


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