I love it how the liberal media spews crap like its going out of style. Ever wonder why the news is so negative? You only hear bad stuff? Do you want proof that the liberal media is in fact liberal? Currently the "bad news" is unemployment is high, inflation is thru the roof, gas prices are horrible, the housing market is in the shitter and the list goes on and on... No wonder people believe this crap because it's all they hear. Let’s examine each one here.
Unemployment is a no brainer. Currently (June of 08) unemployment is at 5.5%. When Clinton was president 5.5% unemployment was the new golden age, now it’s a bad economy going into recession. Jobs are fine. The Bush tax cuts helped a lot with this. More money in the pockets of buisness owners simply leads to more jobs. People, jobs and money will go where capital is treated with respect. Why would I open a buisness in a state with 10% tax, if I could open a buisness in the next state over that only charges 5%.... thats a no brainer. Money and wealth go where its treated well. Jobs are where the money is... Michigan is a perfect example why high taxes and liberal economics fail.
Inflation is another one I love, and it has to do with the feds printing money out of thin air. This is one that is the fault of both parties. Not just Republicans or Democrats. Setting low interest rates causes more inflation. Originally back in the day, you had gold or silver. They were tangible valuable objects that you took to the bank, got a receipt (remember silver certificates?) and could redeem later on if needed. Well banks, backed by the Federal Reserve decided it would be a good idea to start printing these receipts and tokens (money) out of thin air without gold or silver to back them up... there is only so much gold so the value of the receipts (money) goes down. The more receipts you make, the less they are worth because you can’t make more gold to back them up. There is only so much.
Gas prices are self inflicted wounds by the Democrats and by the environmental whackos. The same ones who tell us we can’t drill our own oil, on our own soil because it might hurt the animals. I got news for you; I don’t give a shit about a chipmunk or some rare tree fungus when I am paying damn near $60 dollars to fill up my CAR. There is enough shale oil in Colorado to bring oil prices down to $30 a barrel (Or about .75 cents a gallon). There have been surveys done that shows that there is somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.3+ Trillion barrels of oil in Colorado. That makes the whole of the Middle East look like a blip on the radar. To put this into perspective here, since the beginning of the oil age back at the turn of the 20th century (if not before), the entire consumption of oil world wide to date has been somewhere just short of a trillion barrels. Well some Democrat in congress (I can’t recall his name now) in all his divine wisdom slipped in a last minute amendment to the energy bill to put drilling in Colorado off limits all to play to his environmental base. He should be dragged into the street and shot for treason, all because we can’t hurt some bird. We have safe and environmentally safe ways to extract oil. If you want to know why gas prices aren't coming down, its not the oil companies (thier hands are tied by the liberals) it's simple supply and demand. The Democrats limit supply, the demand is still high, and getting higher wirh China and India coming online. These liberals are complete and utter idiots.
The housing market again is a liberal policy and a self inflicted wound. The government back in Clinton’s time demanded that banks loan to unqualified people, to help “every American own a home”. Well these people began to default when inflation went up because they were trapped with adjustable rate mortgages. These are the same people in the inner cities on welfare, low paying jobs, living paycheck to paycheck. So a slight increase in their mortgage was enough to overdo it for these people. They lost their homes, and one thing led to another and the housing market went to shit because unqualified people kept defaulting left and right when their mortgages went up. Then the government turned around and blamed the banks and fined them and jacked taxes up as punishment… then people wonder why their interest’s rates rose even more. Then more, more houses were defaulted on and lost etc…
Don’t forget guys, we didn’t have many of these problems until the Democrats were voted into congress in 2006. We recovered from a mild recession left for us by Clinton. America was doing great from 01 to about 06 early 07… The Bush tax cuts boomed the economy because thats more money being spent by the American people, not by some beauocrat in Washington. I think I know how to spend my money better then they do.
As you can see most of these are self inflicted wounds by the Democrats playing to their greenie weenies, hippie, emo base. But as always its Bush's fault, congress and the bolshevik bitch (Nancy Pelosi) have nothing to do with it at all [/Sarcasm]...
Liberals never think what they are doing is wrong, they just think they haven’t been able to do enough of it yet.